Easy printing using SafeQ print
- Log on to databarprint.dtu.dk with you DTU credentials
- Upload your printjob
- Log on to the SafeQ printer with your DTU card select your printjob and print
Printing from Windows, Mac and Linux.
Only Muliti Function Printers can be installed on private Laptops connected to DTU WI-FI
The printerQue name is databar-mfp for color print and databar-mfp for black&white
Windows 10 64 bit.
- Connect to the wireless network at DTU
- Connect to \\ait-pdbsq01.win.dtu.dk using "Run..." or Windows File Explorer
- Enter your DTU credentials when asked (username has to be entered like this S777777@win.dtu.dk)
- Find the printer in the list, right click on it and select "Connect..."
- Download the manufacturers driver pack:
For Konica Minolta bizhub C550i
MacOS Catalina10.15 Version 2.2.3 Download Here
For Konica Minolta bizhub C454e/458e
MacOS Catalina10.15 Version 10.5.0 Download Here
Connect to the wireless network at DTU
- Click the Apple icon
- Select "System Preferences..."
- Click "Printers & Scanners"
- Click "+" (the Add button)
- Select "Add Printer or Scanner..."
- If the "Advanced" button is missing, add it by doing the following:
- "CTRL"+"Mouse click" on the area next to the Printer icon, with "Windows" written underneath
- Choose "Customize Toolbar..."
- Click and hold down to move the "Advanced" button
- Move it up next to the "Windows" icon
- Press "Done"
- Click the "Advanced" button and set the following:
- Type: "Windows Printer via spoolss"
- If in Lyngby URL: smb://ait-pdbsq01.win.dtu.dk/[Printername]
- Name: [Printername]
- Use: Select Software... (And choose the printer model from the driver pack you downloaded earlier)
- Click "Add"
- Click "OK"
- Test the printer(print a document to the installed printer)
- Click "Print"
- When prompted for a username and password. Use the following:
- Name: [student_number@dtu.dk]
- Password: [your_DTU_password]
- Click "OK"
If you receive a Hold for Authentication error and you haven't recieved a prompt to enter your credentials, try the following.
- Launch the Keychain Access program.
- On the left side of the window, make sure login under Keychains and All Items under Category is highlighted.
- Using the search bar function, search for the word: PRINT
- Find, and delete the entries related to DTU printers. You can highlight an entry and see what it's used for.
This usually happens when you tick the Remember Password option when authenticating for a printer and you enter the wrong credentials or you recently changed your password.
Please download the Ubuntu Guide.
Printerserver: ait-pdbsq01.win.dtu.dk
NOTE: If [username] isn't accepted for authenticating the print, try either [username]@win.dtu.dk or win\[username]

AIT Print og Kopi.